Monday, 4 April 2011

Double Page Spread - Research Continued

This double page spread from an issue of NME again takes up most of the space with an image, the image takes up a whole page, the title of this page also takes up a lot of room, as it covers over two thirds of the page. The font of this is in big bold letters, in black boxes, this makes it stand out a lot more and makes it more interesting to look at. It uses the colour scheme of red, black and white again, this must be a common colour scheme for this type of magazine. The girls clothes that she is wearing is mainly reds whites and blacks which all go with the scheme, she is looking directly at the camera, like she is looking out towards the buyer of the magazine, this would make the magazine seem a bit more personal to each person, as in she is talking directly to you as a buyer. The background of this double page spread is just plain white, this is effective as it makes you look at the other things such as the image and text, the white backgrounds suggests that she is innocent, however the black and red text and clothing suggests that she is not as innocent as she makes out to be. The mast head supports this with the words 'attention seeker' and 'honest'.There is very little text on this page, as again their target audience is teens and young adults, who genuinely have the sterotype of not reading much and having a short attention spam, which is why the images are so big as its much more interesting to look at. Lily Allens name does not appear on the mast head at all, because the magazine persumes that its audience would know who she was, however, her name is then highlighted in red, its highlighted again because again like the last magazine, red usually means something important.

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