Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Question six.

6:What Have You Learnt About Technologies From The Process of Constructing This Product

I have used various different types of technology to complete my media magazine front cover, contents page and double page spread. These different technologies and software include:
1. A digital camera, I used this to take all of my photographs for my media magazine, I then took the memory card out of my camera and put it in the laptop to store my images on.
2. Memory stick, I used this to transfer any information on it between different computers, such as my own laptop and college compters.
3. Dell laptop, this was the main computer that I used throughout creating my magazine, I was able to do everything on this and store all of my information on it, however I also used the computers in college when I was not in my home.
4. Microsoft powerpoint, I used this to create mainly my mock-ups on, I also used this to help me create my final versions of my front cover and contents page.
5. Microsoft word, I used this to write out all my notes from my research on, for example, I analysed the already existing magazines on Microsoft Word before putting it on my blog.
6. Microsoft publisher, I used this to create my double page spread and parts of my front cover and contents page.
7. Adobe photoshop, this was used to edit my images that I took for my magazine, like to crop bits out of the image that I do not need, or by changing the lighting on my image to suit its need for, such as making a photograph black and white.
8. Internet, I used this mainly to conduct my research on.
9. Blogger, I used this to keep my blog on and to update it saying what I have done and in what order I have done it in.
By using these different technologies a lot it has enabled me to learn to use them better; I had never used blogger at all before, or used microsoft publisher or adobe photoshop properly, so by having to use them a lot during the making of my magazine, it has taught me how to use them and I can now use all of these without help, such as I now know how to set up and complete a blog.

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