Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Contents Page - Research Continued

The contents page for NME has a lot more text on it, and much less images, it also does not use the word 'contents', however it is still very clear to the audience that it is a contents page from the bold text at the top 'NME THIS WEEK", which clearly shows that it is a contents page. The same font that is used fot the mast head 'NME' is used for it in the contents page as well, this happens throughout the whole of the magazine so that you never forget which magazine you are reading. The list of what is in the magazine is again on the right hand side of the page, and again it used its theme colours, which is this magazine are red, black and white.. the same theme colours I want in mine. The red, black and white in the magazine do help to suggest what sort of genre music will be in it. At the bottom it has an advertisement, but it is an advertisement for an offer on its own magazine. Its takes up a good amount of space, and as it is in a solid black box on a white background it automatically catches the eyes attention. The band index on the left hand side helps makes the magazine appeal to a wider range of the audience as even if the band/singer that one particular person like isn't one of the main stories, then it may still have a little section about it. In the centre of the page is a little paragraph of information about one story with a couple of images to go with it, this may attract the audience if they are just flicking through the contents page in the shop, and may persuade them to go and buy it so that they can read more about it in the magazine. 

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