Wednesday 30 March 2011

Contents Page - Research

I then moved on to researching a couple of exisiting music magazines contents pages. Again, I looked at both Kerrang and NME, as they are a similar genre and style to the type of magazine that I would like to create. The contents pages for this Kerrang magazine is only about one third text, whereas the other two-thirds are taken up by images. All of the images refer to the text that is underneath them, the buyers can see from these images without looking at the text what will be on that page. The colour scheme on the front of this magazine would of been black and yellow, as these colours have clearly been carried through to the contents page. The colours yellow and black contrast each other, so therefore it makes them stand out a lot more. The text 'contents' is in the top right, this is due to the list of stories in this magazine is on the right, whereas the images are on the left. As we read from left to right the audience will come across the images before the text, this is because images are more interesting for the eye, and by seeing these images, it may make them want to read the text to see what else is in the magazine. In the top left hand corner is an editors letter, this is found in a lot of magazines, therefore has given me an idea of putting an editors letter in the contents page.  

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